BEDO the app’s internal move & earn token, has an unlimited supply and is earned when the user performs an activity in the app.

BEDO is burned when the user Buy Or Rent NFT From App

iTrainer does not sell BEDO directly to players; users mine tokens themselves, use them in the app, and can sell/exchange them on open marketplaces.

Supply and Earning

BEDO has an unlimited supply and is earned when a user moves or interact with iTrainer App.

Following are the contract :

BEDO (BEP20) Contract address: 0xe63b22b01c476b02732320fb449c7a2f3b2b6953

BEDO Burning Mechanics (Destroying)

The BEDO Tokens is burned by:

  1. GymBuddies Minting

  2. Rent NFTs From App

  3. Upgrade up GymBuddies

  4. Subscribe to iTrainer App

Last updated